Describing your product

This is your chance to attract and inform potential customers. Include the unique selling points that make your product different. If your product does not include all the necessary information, you will be asked to make updates to the product before it can go online. 

Here you will find information on how to fill out the following sections: short description, highlights, full description, what's included, what's not included, keywords, logistics, what's not allowed, information on the voucher, know before you go, and emergency contact number.

Note: Your content may be changed for readability and style in order to attract more customers and align with GetYourGuide's style.

Short description

This section is displayed along with the title and main image on landing pages. It shows up in a customer search before they click on your product.

  1. Write 2-3 sentences about your product.
  2. Include the most interesting things about your product here.
  3. Don’t copy and paste parts of the full description.


Highlights emphasize what makes this product unique compared to other products on the market. They should be short and shouldn't be repetitive.

  1. In the blank space provided type 3 things that make your product stand out. 
  2. Always start with a verb, for e.g. see, visit, enjoy, experience, explore, travel.
  3. Use short, informative phrases to summarise what your product has to offer.

Do: Travel by motorcycle through lush forests
Or: See local offerings at a traditional market

Full Description

Give a detailed itinerary so your customer knows exactly what they will be doing.

  1. Type the full description for your product.
  2. Use descriptive language so your customer is engaged and informed.
  3. Avoid listing a schedule.

Do: Journey high above Berlin and visit the 200-metre tall TV Tower at Berlin's Alexanderplatz. Enjoy priority entrance and experience a fantastic view of the city from your window seats at the "Sphere" restaurant.

Discover the beauty of Berlin and see the Brandenburg Gate, the Reichstag and Hauptbahnhof from above. Enjoy the view along the banks of the Spree, admire the Olympic Stadium and see the famous Museum Island, home to the Berlin Cathedral.

Don't: Duplicate content that is already on your website as this will negatively affect your SEO.

What’s Included

Let your customer know before they book exactly what is included in the price. Flowery and overly descriptive language is not necessary.

Do: Guide

Don't: A friendly and knowledgeable guide

Things to consider when creating inclusions:

  • Are meals included? 
  • Are drinks included?
  • Is hotel pickup included?

Use bullet points to list everything that is included in your product price.

Note:  If an inclusion is optional for your customer, it should be created as an additional option.

What’s Not Included

Let your customer know what won’t be included in the price. This helps to prevent customer complaints.

  1. Use bullet points to list anything customers might need to bring themselves or that you won’t provide.
  2. List all costs that are not included.
  3. Go to Save and Continue.


Keywords are words to describe what your activity is about and what makes it so unique. Customers will be able to find your product on our site by searching for keywords related to your product.

Things to consider when creating keywords:

  • The theme. E.g. snorkeling or walking tour
  • When your activity takes place. E.g. New Year’s Eve 
  • Subject matter. E.g. nature or art
  • Who it's for. E.g. family-friendly

  1. Review the suggestions provided by GetYourGuide and accept the ones that apply to your product.

  2. Add more keywords through the search bar.

  3. Select the keyword you are looking for.

  4. Open the advanced keyword search if you want to get inspired or find even more relevant keywords.

  5. If a keyword is missing, request it by clicking on Request a new keyword.

  6. Save your choice by clicking on Continue.

Note: You don't need to add keywords for the location, as this is done separately

Additional information

Who is this activity not suitable for?
What’s not allowed?
What mandatory items must the customer bring with them?

  1. In the search bar, type in any important information the customer should know.
  2. Follow the examples to understand which field is for which kind of information.
  3. From the drop-down list, select the information you are searching for.

What’s Not Allowed

  1. In the search bar, type in any items that customers aren’t allowed to have while using your product.
  2. From the drop-down list, select the prohibited item you are searching for.
  3. Click Add to add something that isn’t allowed that doesn’t come up in the search.

Information on the Voucher

Customers who have booked your product will receive an email voucher which already includes: your tour title and summary, tour inclusions, exclusions, additional information, pick up information, and the name of your company, including your phone number and e-mail address as provided in your profile. 

The voucher is your chance to give them information that they will need to know after booking but before using your product. Phone numbers, email addresses, and the meeting point do not need to be written here. 

In the blank space provided, type short sentences with additional information for the voucher.

Do: Please arrive at the meeting point 15 minutes before the tour starts.

Know Before You Go

This section impacts if the customer will be able to participate in the activity. It is the practical information that the customer needs to know before booking.

Use bullet points to list any extra information customers need to know, for example:

  • Insurances customers need to have to participate in the tour
  • Appropriate clothing to wear and clothing items they should bring
  • Documents, such as passports, they might need

Do: Wear comfortable shoes as there will be a lot of walking on uneven surfaces

Emergency Contact Number

  1. Click Choose One > select your desired country and area code.
  2. On the right-hand side box, enter your emergency contact number.
  3. Save by clicking on Continue.

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