
Finding reviews

Go to Reviews tab.

Here you can see all your reviews. You can click on any of them to expand them and see what your customer has written.

You can filter reviews by product, option, travel date, review date, rate, and traveler type.


These reviews will be shown in your public supplier profile as well.

Customer reviews affect how the algorithm ranks your product in search. You can use reviews to find out what customers like about your product and what you could improve. Potential customers read reviews to help them decide whether or not to book your activity.

How Customers Write Reviews

Customers receive a notification email to review the activity they took part in. We also send two reminders so you don’t have to worry and you don’t need to contact the customer.  

Customers can also invite other participants in their booking to leave a review. 

Customers have 2 ways of inviting other participants to leave a review:

Customers can share their mobile voucher with the other participants who will receive a push notification on their phone to leave a review after the activity.

Customers can share a review link with other participants after they have left a review themselves.

Customers and other participants in a booking can leave a star rating together with a comment, and one or more pictures or they can decide not to provide any comment or picture but just the rating. 

Currently, photos are viewable on iOS, with Android support coming soon. Our tech team is actively working on it, and we plan to roll out this feature in the next few months.

In addition, customers can also decide to rate the following categories:

Service Quality; Organization; Value for money; Safety.

These will be displayed under your activity page as per the following example: 

Review Guidelines

All content provided in this review system is the exclusive content of GetYourGuide. 

A. Reviews are valid for the following: 

  1. No Text, Star Rating Only
    The review consists only of star ratings and does not provide any text.
  1. Description of the Customer Experience
    The review describes the experience of the customer regardless of it being positive or negative. The review may also highlight issues with the organization of the activity. The review can include external factors to the activity, such as weather conditions, traffic, and entrance queues. 
  1. The review does not fall specifically under one of our review removal reasons found below
    Reviews will not be removed as they reflect our mutual customer's experiences and provide future potential customers with a lot of clarity.

B. GetYourGuide reserves the right to remove a review ONLY in these cases:

  1. Customer non-participation in the activity
    The customer mentions their non-participation in the activity or they wrote a review of an activity they did not take part in. The customer is reported as a no-show in the Supplier Portal.

  2. Customer reports inaccurate or misleading information
    The review or attached image contains inaccurate information about the tour or the business, such as incorrect tour details, incorrect inclusions, exclusions, itinerary, or inaccurate information about the tour environment, such as incorrect entrance times to a site and accessibility details

  3. The content of the review and/or the image attached is inappropriate or offensive
    Any review content that is offensive, disrespectful, or harmful (offensive language, profanity, racism, and discrimination of any kind) must be removed

  4. Misalignment of review and rating
    The text of the review doesn't align with the given star rating. For instance, the text is positive, but the star rating is negative (a 3-star rating is not considered negative)

  5. Focus on the GetYourGuide  booking process and support
    The review primarily discusses the GetYourGuide booking process or customer support services

  6. Promotional content or website links
    The review contains commercial or promotional content, including website links

  7. The review was posted with a conflict of interest or it was manipulated
    The review is submitted by the supplier themselves and/or deals with and/or mentions the supplier’s products and services.

  8. Potential legal implications
    The review refers to a scenario that could result in legal action. Illegal content includes any information, in any form, that goes against the law, whether it is the European Union law or the laws of a Member State that follows the Union law. Reviews that violate privacy by reporting personal or private information without consent, reviews that promote hate speech, discrimination, sexually explicit or harassing language or descriptions of inappropriate behavior, including involvement in illegal activities, like drug use, trespassing, child labor, slavery looting or vandalism, must be removed.

Replying to reviews

At GetYourGuide we believe that the first-hand experience of our mutual customers is the best way to provide valuable feedback for our mutual business, which is why it is not possible to reply to reviews.

Every time you receive a new review, you will get an automatic notification that will indicate the product for which the review has been made. 

Please note that if a No-show is reported, requesting review removal is ONLY valid, if the tool has been used within the correct time frame. GetYourGuide will automatically reject your ticket if a no-show is NOT reported via Supplier Administration as of November 28, 22, no attached proof via email will be accepted. 


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