Troubleshooting API errors and discrepancies

While we strive for a seamless experience and low errors, there are rare situations when a connection happens to fail.

If you require assistance during mapping (enabling the API connection of your product) or believe the connection is not working as desired (availability not matching, for example), we strongly recommend you contact your Reservation System for support.

At GetYourGuide, we cannot access your account in your Reservation System and cannot offer valuable assistance in troubleshooting.

However, we offer tools for our Connectivity Partners to Troubleshoot their API integration in their dedicated account. Explain the problem you are experiencing with your connection, and they will be able to test it from their account.

Our dedicated Connectivity Support team is also available to help guide you through the API documentation and provide further information. Please ask your SRS to log a ticket with the Connectivity Support team at GetYourGuide.

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