Monthly and Bi-Weekly Payment Cycle

How can suppliers choose their payment frequency?
Suppliers can tailor their payment preferences on their account, opting for either a monthly or bi-monthly payment schedule.

  • Monthly Payment: This will be processed on the 5th working day of each month.
  • Bi-Monthly Payment (subject to an additional fee): Payments are made on the 20th of every month. Please note that by choosing this option, suppliers agree to a 2% increase in the contractual commission rate for future bookings.

Any adjustments to payment frequency and commission rates will become effective from the 1st of the following month.

Steps to follow to update payment frequency:

  1. Log into the Supplier Account
  2. Go to Finance > Payment & Tax Details
  3. Scroll until Payment Settings 

  1. Select Edit to continue
  2. Select payment frequency: Once per month or Twice per month
  3. changes

When do the changes take effect on the account?
Any changes to the payment frequency will be effective from the next payment cycle.

Which bookings are included in the mid-month payment?
Payments are managed at the supplier level, not per booking. For instance, if supplier 123 activates mid-month payments on February 10, all March 1-15 bookings will be settled on March 20. No mid-month payments are made in February.

What about the increased commission?
Effective March 2023, the elevated commission applies to all bookings, irrespective of travel date. For instance, a booking made on February 4 but traveled on March 4 will be part of March's mid-month payment.

Are all suppliers eligible to select their preferred payment frequency?
Yes, all suppliers can choose the preferred payment frequency.

Why has a fee been introduced for a service that was previously offered at no cost?
Payments outside the monthly cycle at GetYourGuide are not free of cost. While fees were waived during the COVID-19 pandemic as a gesture of support, it's important to note that higher-frequency payments incur greater costs for GetYourGuide.

Can I opt out of the bi-weekly payment schedule to avoid the associated fee?
Certainly, suppliers have the flexibility to opt out of the bi-weekly payment program via the supply portal. You may switch to our standard monthly payment schedule at no extra cost.


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