Navigating the "Bookings" Section in the Supplier Portal

Read this to learn how to access and navigate the Bookings section in your account, understand its features, use available filters, and download booking lists.

Adherence to our Customer Data Protection Policy is crucial in the Supplier Portal. Access to customer data is granted under specific conditions to ensure privacy and compliance.

What you can see and download in the Bookings section:

  • Customer names are available for bookings up to three months in the past.
  • All customer data* is available for bookings up to 10 days in the past.
  • All customer data* is available for bookings up to 1 month in the future.
  • The following customer data (names, emails, and responses to Supplier Requested Questions) is available for all future bookings.

*Customer Data includes: name, encrypted email, responses to Supplier Requested Questions, phone number

What you can search in the Bookings section:

  • Bookings going back to the present day minus three month and up to anytime in the future.
  • Bookings can be sorted by the checkout date or activity start date.
  • Unconfirmed bookings that require suppliers’ actions are available at the top of the Bookings page.

These guidelines are designed to protect customer information while providing you with the necessary data to manage bookings effectively.

Accessing the "Bookings" section 

To access the Bookings section, follow these steps:

  •  Log in to the Supplier Portal.
  • Click on the Bookings tab in the main navigation menu and open the Bookings section:

Tip: Bookmark the Bookings page for quicker access in future sessions.


The key features of the Bookings page

The Bookings page is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of your current and past bookings. It offers several features to help you manage your bookings:

  • Overview of bookings: Displays all current and past bookings.

  • Booking status: Shows different statuses for bookings, such as:

    • Canceled: The booking has been fully canceled.

    • Cancellation Requested: This status appears when either you or the customer has requested to cancel the tour, but it has not yet been fully processed.

    • Failed: This status indicates that the booking could not be completed due to connectivity problems.

  • Booking details: Offers detailed information about bookings, such as booking date and reference, number of participants and total retail price. More detailed information such as customer name, phone number and encrypted email address is hidden and can be displayed by clicking on “Show details”:

Tip: Regularly check the status updates to manage bookings proactively and use the Bookings page as the source of truth for active bookings.

Using Booking Filters

Booking filters help you quickly find what you need in a large list of bookings. Here's how to use them:

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  1. Find the filter options: At the side of the booking list, you’ll see options like Product, Activity Date, or Reference code. These are your filters. 
  2. Click on the filters you want to use and select the criteria that match what you're looking for. For example, if you need to see only the bookings for a specific date, click on the Activity Date filter and choose that date.
  3. View filtered results: The list will update to only show bookings that meet your selected criteria. 

You can also organize the search results by either activity date or checkout date:

  • Sorting by activity date arranges the results based on when the activities are scheduled to occur, which is handy for finding events on specific days;
  • Sorting by checkout date orders the results according to when the bookings were made, helping you track the popularity of activities over time.

Downloading Booking Lists

If you need to work with your booking data offline or keep a record, you can download your booking lists. Here’s how:

  1. Use the booking filters (product, activity date or reference code) to find exactly what you need;
  2. Sort by activity date or checkout date;
  3. Click on "Download bookings" to start downloading.


The Bookings section is an essential tool for managing your bookings efficiently. Make the most of the features and filters provided to optimize your operations. For further assistance, contact our Supplier Support team via the Contact Form.


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