Why is my password considered unsafe?

Read this to understand why your password might be considered unsafe due to its appearance in known data breaches and how to create a secure password.

What does it mean if my password is unsafe?

If you receive a message stating that your password is unsafe, it means that your password has been found in known data breaches. This check is performed using the Have I Been Pwned service, which maintains a database of compromised passwords. Using a password that has appeared in a data breach increases the risk of your account being hacked.

How does the password check work?

Our system sends a request to the Have I Been Pwned database to verify if your password has been involved in any data breaches. This process ensures that your password is not one that hackers might already have access to.

  • Step 1: Enter your password during the sign-up or password change process.

  • Step 2: Our system sends an encrypted version of your password to Have I Been Pwned.
  • Step 3: If the password has been compromised, you will receive an error message indicating that your password is unsafe.

Tip: It's important to use unique and complex passwords for each of your accounts. Consider using a password manager to generate and store strong passwords.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What should I do if my password is considered unsafe?
    You should create a new password that is unique and has not been used before. Use a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters to increase its strength.
  • How can I create a secure password?
    Follow these tips to create a secure password:
    • Use a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters.
    • Include numbers and special characters.
    • Avoid common words or phrases.
    • Do not use easily guessable information such as birthdays or names.
  • Is my password being shared with Have I Been Pwned?
    No, your password is never shared in plain text. We use a secure encryption method to check your password against the Have I Been Pwned database, ensuring your privacy and security.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your passwords are strong and secure, protecting your accounts from potential breaches. If you have any questions or need further assistance, our supplier support team is here to help.

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